

“Very good, it was amazing.”

Maria Fernanda May - Doctor.
09/02/2018 - Aconcagua Feb, 2018

Reaching the summit of the Americas to this group was very special! Starting the year rediscovering the power of the will to accomplish something is rewarding! Finding loved ones, making new friends in the group and during the journey, being able to see and feel new landscapes are gifts that the Mountains and the days walking through them give us. Thanks, Max, Edu and Sebastian for the care, you made a difference to the achievement of the whole Group!

Tatiana Batalha - Orthopedic Physician
02/02/2016 - Aconcagua Feb, 2016

On 31st of January at exactly 2 pm in local time, it was when finally reached the summit of Aconcagua at height of 6,961 m (22,837 ft) after pushing for more than 7 hours of struggle in extreme conditions with strong winds and temperature as low as -35 °C in very low oxygen levels.

Although this was expected conditions at the top of the highest mountain in the world outside of Asia and the roof of the Americas enduring this, in reality, consumed everything I could physically and mentally give but in return gave me one of the best experiences in my life, something will stay with me forever. Storms were not only outside they were raging inside too, fear and hope, worry and determination, tears of both pain and joy. Eyes were focused on the next footstep while the mind was on the top.
No thanks will be enough for Maximo Kausch and his amazing team of Andes Specialists, a team you can trust with your life.
My endless appreciation for every single person in this amazing climbing group. Honestly, with you guys it became possible and turned into an unforgettable adventure, you guys rock andaconcagua-jan-2018? it was my honor to get to know each one of you.
A Shout out to George Kalbin, Felix, Fabian Hugelshofer, Ryan Pyle, Jesse Rosenberg, Chad Ingraham, Caio Vilela, Kristen, Fiona, Kurt Schobesberger, Yan, and Quentin.
A special shout-out to the Brazilian team,aconcagua-jan-2018❤️ the beating heart of this expedition who brought energy and warmth into the coldness of Aconcagua, your laughs will be always a sweet memory.aconcagua-jan-2018?aconcagua-jan-2018?
THANK YOU all, It was like magic. – Mahmoud Amer

Mahmoud Amer
18/01/2018 - Aconcagua Jan, 2018

“The guides spend a lot of security, high-spirited, information and experience, which turned into a pleasant expedition for everyone”

Caio ribeiro vilela - Writer, photographer, TV fixer and travel guide.
18/01/2018 - Aconcagua Jan, 2018
Fernando Schlosser e

This was our second time with the company and the second time we only have great things to tell about it. Max honoured all his fame and reputation! Great trip guys!

Fernando Schlosser
30/01/2015 - Aconcagua

A special thanks to guide Maximo Kausch and his team at Andes Specialists, who’s work on the mountain remains unparalleled. Incredible team of guides who managed to secure a summit push and success for many despite sub-par weather conditions with very strong winds. Guide Angel Armesto who was with me before the storm and made sure I received the proper acclimatization before attempting the summit for a second time, as without both a successful summit would not have been possible. Both guides that I hold in high regards and hope to climb with again. The climbing team who made this trip an unforgettable one; Ryan Pyle, Chad Ingraham, Jesse Rosenberg and Caio Vilela from Extreme treks, Mahmoud Amer and all the other people I have met on this journey, making it an unforgettable one.

George Kalbin
18/01/2018 - Aconcagua
Marcio e Michele

We’re sure our expectations and goals were archived thanks to your great work!

Marcio e Michele
12/01/2015 - Aconcagua
caroline e

Arriving to Rio’s airport, our guide Bruno asked me if I’ve liked the trip? If I liked? I was already a little depressed because the trip was finished! I wish it was longer!

Caroline Cristófoli
29/05/2015 - Agulhas Negras + Prateleiras, Brazil

Reach the summit of Licancabur, this beautiful volcano that dominates the landscape in San Pedro de Atacama, it was a very rewarding experience. A demanding climb, but it makes up for every step with its beautiful landscape and with the satisfaction of being on a great mountain. I thank the entire team for this experience, and I’m already looking forward to the next adventure.

Rafael Penna Leite - Systems Analyst
27/04/2017 - Licancabur, Atacama
jonatar e

The glacier school was above all my expectations. The guide’s experience and patient were fundamental for the final result: me reaching the summit of Huayna Potosi.

Jonatar Evaristo
10/07/2015 - Glacier School – Bolivia
rafael penna P e

The course was the best possible introduction to high mountain. It brought me valuable knowledge, presented in theory and practice by the instructors. It made me feel safe to try new mountains on my own. Being on the mountain was sensational! We realise how small we are on this planet, but at the same time that we have the strength to overcome our limitations. Sometimes the journey isn’t easy, but every little moment of it makes it extraordinary and worthwhile.

Rafael Penna
06/08/2015 - Glacier School – Bolivia
tati e

I really enjoyed the course! I’ve recommended it to many people! I would love it even more if it lasted longer! I congratulate Max and Pedro for being so caring for our group! It is hard a team of guides so harmonious like you guys! And wait for me on the next expedition!

Tatiana Batalha
07/08/2015 - Glacier School – Bolivia
IMG  paula kapp e

From up there, the joy of achievement is shared with the invitation of so many mountains on the horizon which call you for more challenges. Happily I take their invitation am I’m now climbing the way to my dreams. Inspired and confident from knowing that I have two great teachers. Thank you Max and Pedro for teaching me how to chase my dreams.

Paula Kapp
11/08/2015 - Illimani 6438 – Bolivia

I’m very thankful, happy and willing to be part of another trip with you, great guides!! We loved the experience, both guides were very professional, respectful and extremely adaptable to any circumstances.

14/02/2016 - Mendoza to Santiago crossing trek

Everything was fantastic! Both Max and Edu are brilliant guys, very humble and super capable. We’ll surely be back for more trips. We are very pleased with the trip we had

Adrián Bertetti
18/02/2016 - Mendoza to Santiago crossing trek
Paulo Perrotti e

The expedition was led very well by Max, Pedro and Edu. They were very responsible and caring with the whole team. They were always very precise on everything they did. The group was great! Nothing to complain about. I was very happy and satisfied.

Paulo Perroti
20/03/2015 - Mercedario
Roseane Formenti Mercedario

Everything was perfect! I’ve even said that to Max. I felt quite a lot o progress from 3 years ago when I first went to one of his trips. From email answering, information, logistics and many other things.

Roseane Formenti
22/07/2015 - Mercedario

I just want to thanks you for the fantastic experience I had on the Ojos Del Salada expédition on March 2016.  Maximo and his team made a terrific job and help every one to reach his goal.
I would recommand his team To every one. Special thanks to his support for Bahia Iglesias.

23/03/2016 - Ojos del Salado
Marcio Pelloso no cume do Ojos del Salado com m Foto de Marcio Pelloso e

The expedition to Ojos was very good indeed. Everything went as planned, it was well organised, fun and everyone had very high spirits and tuned with the mountain. I would come to another expedition like this and with this team at any time. I really recommend it to anyone!

Marcio Pelloso
25/03/2015 - Ojos del Salado
Manolo Svicero Ojos del Salado e

The expedition was amazing. Landscapes were astonishing and all the expedition members were very nice too. These guys gave all the support I needed. Great trip!

Manoel Svicero
13/03/2015 - Ojos del Salado

The expedition was great. Friendly guides, with impeccable technical and emotional preparation. Unimpeachable organization. Can wait for a new adventure with you guys!

Lucas Arnaldo Olhê - Public Server
05/01/2017 - Cerro Plata

These 2-days in Cerro Penitentes were amazing in the environnement of Aconcagua and the Andes in general. Eduardo has been very professional, very reactive to my questions before and during the trek, very aware or my wellness. We had a very good time and I should recommend it for sure!.

Anne Laure Tinardon
04/10/2018 - Cerro Penitentes

The hike was great! Edu was a great guide, and Vinicius a great and very supportive assistant. Both warm, personable, professional, competent. They were particularly supportive of my son, who, at the age of 13, made it to the summit, in no small part thanks to them. I will never forget that.

Hans Snoeck
08/08/2017 - Cerro Penitentes
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Great organisation by the company! Food and logistics and also the brilliant itinerary. And all this together with the safety provided by the best guides. Simply perfect!

Gilberto Thoen
20/08/2015 - Pico Parana – Curitiba – Brazil
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I thank the leader Maximo Kausch (his experience is outstanding) and all the staff for the privilege of having me on this achievement. It was above, well above, my expectations!

Julio Calsinski
23/08/2015 - Pico Parana – Curitiba – Brazil

Once again I was very happy and renewed after going to the mountain with you guys again! Thank you for the great trip!

Tatiana Batalha
18/08/2015 - Pico Parana – Curitiba – Brazil
Jaime Tramontin e

I want to thank Max, and the guides Edu and George for the amazing adventure we had on the trek do Aconcagua’s BC. It was great!

Jaime Tramontin
18/01/2015 - Aconcagua Trek to Basecamp
Guinness World Records

Most 6000-m Andes mountains climbed May/2017

Published on 27/05/2017 at the official Guinness World Records website Original URL: http://www.guinnessworldrecords.com/world-records/383516-most-6000-m-andes-mountains-climbed

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Rock and Ice
http www

Kausch Breaks Record for 6000m Peaks Climbed in Andes Setembro/2013

Published  on 09/09/2013 at Rock and Ice Original URL: http://www.rockandice.com/lates-news/kausch-breaks-record-for-6000m-peaks-climbed-in-andes?A=WebApp&CCID=16516&Page=5&Items=1

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Mount Everest Foundation

Nameless Peaks of the Andes – Suzie Imber and Maximo Kausch Novembro/2015

Published  on 09/09/2013 at Rock and Ice Original URL: http://www.mef.org.uk/expeditions/past-supported-expeditions/expedition-reports-2015/

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National Geographic

Mountain cartographer Janeiro/2013

Texto de Caio Vilela / Foto de Ignacio Aronovich (Reportagem publicada originalmente na National Geographic de junho de 2013) LEIA A MATÉRIA NO FORMATO ORIGINAL Maximo Kausch escala os maiores picos dos Andes em um frenético ritmo de atleta. Movendo-se da base de uma montanha à outra com a ajuda de uma moto, ele tem meio caminho andado no audaz […]

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Explorers Web
Everest K News ExplorersWeb Maximo Kausch going for all ers in the Andes  copy

Maximo Kausch going for all 6000ers in the Andes Setembro/2013

Published 04/09/2013 at Explorersweb.com URL http://www.explorersweb.com/everest_k2/news.php?url=all-the-andes-6000ers_1376671596

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BMC members quest to climb all Andean m peaks  copy

BMC member’s quest to climb all Andean 6,000m peaks Setembro/2013

Published 06/09/2013 at The BMC URL https://www.thebmc.co.uk/bmc-members-quest-to-climb-all-andean-6000m-peaks    

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Climbing Porn

Maximo Kausch builds “sofa” bouldering route at home May/2017

Published on 10/05/2017 at ClimbingPorn.co.uk Original URL: http://www.climbingporn.co.uk/maximo-kausch-builds-sofa-bouldering-route-home/

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American Alpine Journal

Mt. Parofes and Other Volcano Ascents Dezembro/2015

Published on 12/12/2015 at American Alpine Journal website URL: http://publications.americanalpineclub.org/articles/13201213783/Mt-Parofes-and-Other-Volcano-Ascents

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Adventure Blog
The Adventure Blog Argentinian Climber Attempting All  Meter Peaks In South America

Argentinian Climber Attempting All 6000 Meter Peaks In South America Setembro/2013

Matéria publicada em 06/09/2013 URL http://theadventureblog.blogspot.com.br/2013/09/argentinian-climber-attempt-all-6000.html

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Leicester University

Discovery-led learning: Academic follows passion for adventure with aid from supercomputer Novembro/2016

Published on 12/12/2016 at the Leicester’s University news website Original URL: http://www2.le.ac.uk/offices/press/features/features-2016/discovery-led-learning-academic-follows-passion-for-adventure-with-aid-from-supercomputer

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Leicester University

University of Leicester mountain climber scales new heights to advance science Novembro/2016

Published on 12/12/2016 at the Leicester’s University news website Original URL: http://www2.le.ac.uk/offices/press/press-releases/2016/july/university-of-leicester-mountain-climber-scales-new-heights-to-advance-science

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Leicester University

Lecturer treks the unknown mountains of South America Janeiro/2017

Published on 05/03/2017 at the Leicester’s University news website Original URL: https://issuu.com/tup01/docs/leicester_4c6de62473542d

Read more

Maximo Kausch beats the world record of 6000 summits in Andes Agosto/2013

Published 26/08/2013 at espanhol 8a.nu URL http://www.8a.nu/articles/ShowArticle.aspx?ArticleId=8750

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Mountaineer wants to complete climbing marathon of the 117 highest peaks of the Andes Setembro/2013

Published 30/09/2013 at BBC Brasil URL http://www.bbc.com/portuguese/celular/noticias/2013/09/130923_alpinista_andes_rg.shtml

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Alpinista quer completar maratona de  picos mais altos dos Andes BBC Brasil  copy

Images of a mountain marathon while attempting a world record Setembro/2013

Published 30/09/2013 at BBC Brasil URL http://www.bbc.com/portuguese/noticias/2013/09/130923_alpinista_andes_rg

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Revista Vertical

ANDES 6000+ The unfinished list May/2013


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reforma small

The king of the 6000ers Dezembro/2014

Texto Jan Carlos García / Fotos Maximo Kausch (Reportagem publicada originalmente no jornal mexicano Reforma de dezembro de 2014) LEIA A MATÉRIA NO FORMATO ORIGINAL MÉXICO, DF.- A la par de su trabajo como guía de expediciones en montañas, el argentino Máximo Kausch cumple la meta de llegar a la cumbre de todas las que miden más de 6 […]

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Un maratón por las  cumbres más altas de los Andes Taringa  copy

A mountain marathon at the highest peaks of the Andes Janeiro/2013

Matéria de 2013 at Taringa URL http://www.taringa.net/posts/imagenes/17197197/Un-maraton-por-las-117-cumbres-mas-altas-de-los-Andes.html  

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Maximo Kausch is halfway on his Andean project and ‘finds’ a new 6000er Setembro/2013

Published 02/09/2013 at  Desnivel URL http://desnivel.com/alpinismo/maximo-kausch-llega-a-la-mitad-de-su-proyecto-andino-y-descubre-un-nuevo-seismil  

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