Chupiquiña 5810m

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Chupiquiña is a mountain subgroup at the border of Chile and Peru with an elevation of 5810 metres. Chupiquiña is within the following mountain ranges: Chilean Andes, Peruvian Andes, Cordillera Occidental de Peru, Puna de Atacama. It is on the border of 2 provinces: Peruvian province of Tacna; Chilean province of Parinacota. Its slopes are within 2 cities: Peruvian city of Palca; Chilean city of General Lagos.

Based on the elevation provided by the available Digital elevation models, SRTM filled with ASTER (5791m), TanDEM-X(5816m), , Chupiquiña is about 5810 meters above sea level.The height of the nearest key col is 5029 meters so its prominence is 781 meters. Chupiquiña is listed as mountain subgroup , based on the Dominance system and its dominance is 13.44%.

Dominance %13.44%
Key Lat/Lon-17.6948,-69.7864
Key Col Alt5029
Parent PeakTacora -17.7206,-69.7723
Dominance Classmountain subgroup
DEM Avg. Altitude5791
First Ascent infoAustria - 21/05/1905
CountryChile / Peru
Peru CityPalca
Peru ProvinceTacna
Peru DepartmentTacna
Chile CityGeneral Lagos
Chile ProvinceParinacota
Chile RegionArica y Parinacota
Mountain Range Level 1Chilean Andes
Mountain Range Level 2Peruvian Andes
Mountain Range Level 3Cordillera Occidental de Peru
Mountain Range Level 4Puna de Atacama

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