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Marcio Pelloso no cume do Ojos del Salado com m Foto de Marcio Pelloso e

The expedition to Ojos was very good indeed. Everything went as planned, it was well organised, fun and everyone had very high spirits and tuned with the mountain. I would come to another expedition like this and with this team at any time. I really recommend it to anyone!

Marcio Pelloso
25/03/2015 - Ojos del Salado
IMG  paula kapp e

From up there, the joy of achievement is shared with the invitation of so many mountains on the horizon which call you for more challenges. Happily I take their invitation am I’m now climbing the way to my dreams. Inspired and confident from knowing that I have two great teachers. Thank you Max and Pedro for teaching me how to chase my dreams.

Paula Kapp
11/08/2015 - Illimani 6438 – Bolivia

I’m very thankful, happy and willing to be part of another trip with you, great guides!! We loved the experience, both guides were very professional, respectful and extremely adaptable to any circumstances.

14/02/2016 - Mendoza to Santiago crossing trek
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