Huascarán Norte 6647m

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Huascarán Norte is a mountain system in Peru with an elevation of 6647 metres. Huascarán Norte is within the following mountain ranges: Peruvian Andes, Cordillera Occidental de Peru, Cordillera Blanca. Its territory is within the Peruvian protection area of Huascarán National Park. It is located at the Peruvian province of Yungay. Its slopes are at the Peruvian city of Yungay.No handheld GPS data for this area. The altitude correction was based in average of 3 DEMs (SRTM Filled data 6646, ASTER 6601, TandemX 6695). Therefore the average altitude must be 6647 metres. IGM Peru and Oesterreichischer Alpen Verein measured 6655, but these measurements are from a 1951 military survey. The height of the nearest key col is 3253 meters so its prominence is 3394 meters. Huascarán Norte is listed as mountain system, based on the Dominance system and its dominance is 51.06%.

NameHuascarán Norte
Dominance %51.06%
Key Lat/Lon-9.11199,-77.6141
Key Col Alt3253
Parent PeakHuascaran Sur -9.12198,-77.6041
Dominance Classmountain system
DEM Avg. Altitude6646
First Ascent infoAnnie Smith Peck (USA), Rudolf Taugwalder and Gabriel Zumtaugwald (Switzerland) - 02/09/1908
First Ascent SourceBOOK: A Serach for The Apex of America AUTHOR: Annie Peck
Peru CityYungay
Peru ProvinceYungay
Peru DepartmentAncash
Peru Protection AreaHuascarán National Park
Mountain Range Level 1Peruvian Andes
Mountain Range Level 2Cordillera Occidental de Peru
Mountain Range Level 3Cordillera Blanca
Reason for alt adjustmentNo handheld GPS data for this area. The altitude correction was based in average of 3 DEMs (SRTM Filled data 6646, ASTER 6601, TandemX 6695). Therefore the average altitude must be 6647 metres. IGM Peru and Oesterreichischer Alpen Verein measured 6655, but these measurements are from a 1951 military survey

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