Tres Cruces Central 6629m

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Tres Cruces Central is a mountain in Chile with an elevation of 6629 metres. Tres Cruces Central is within the following mountain ranges: Chilean Andes, Puna de Atacama. It is located at the Chilean province of Copiapo. Its slopes are at the Chilean city of Copiapo.Maximo Kausch's handheld GPS measument was 6643 in January 2011. TademX reading (no VOIDS) is 6657 and usually over estimates altitudes in this region. Therefore Tres Cruces Central is probably 6629 metres above sea level. The height of the nearest key col is 6012 meters so its prominence is 617 meters. Tres Cruces Central is listed as mountain, based on the Dominance system and its dominance is 9.31%.

NameTres Cruces Central
Dominance %9.31%
Key Lat/Lon-27.0828,-68.7831
Key Col Alt6012
Parent PeakTres Cruces Sur -27.0987,-68.7781
Dominance Classmountain
DEM Avg. Altitude6613
Maximo Kausch data6643
IGM Chile6620
First Ascent infoStefan Osiecki and Witold Paryski (Poland) - 24/02/1937
First Ascent SourceJOURNAL: ACAB DATE: 1950 PAGE: 72-79 / JOURNAL: Revista Andina 69 PAGE: 27-31
Chile CityCopiapo
Chile ProvinceCopiapo
Chile RegionAtacama
Mountain Range Level 1Chilean Andes
Mountain Range Level 2Puna de Atacama
Reason for alt adjustmentMaximo Kausch's handheld GPS measument was 6643 in January 2011. TademX reading (no VOIDS) is 6657 and usually over estimates altitudes in this region. Therefore Tres Cruces Central is probably 6629 metres above sea level

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