Andean Mountains – All above 5000m

This is the list created by Suzie Imber and Maximo Kausch of all prominent Andean elevations above or near 5000 metres. The criteria used to select elevations was the ‘dominance’ system by Eberhard Jurgalski.

andean-mountains--all-above-5000m Download latest KML version

Methods and Research information

Digital Elevation Model used:

Data sorting system:

Data processing:

Initial toponymies:

Data Georeferencing:

Data corrections:

This is the list created by Suzie Imber and Maximo Kausch of all prominent Andean elevations above or near 5000 metres. The criteria used to select elevations was the ‘dominance’ system by Eberhard Jurgalski.

andean-mountains--all-above-5000m Download latest KML version

Methods and Research information

Digital Elevation Model used:

Data sorting system:

Data processing:

Initial toponymies:

Data Georeferencing:

Data corrections:

Evelio Echevarría from Chile/US for his extensive research and publications at AAJ. Evelio is also responsible for many first ascents in Peru
Guillermo Almaraz from Argentina for basically running the whole research on First Ascents and corrections on countless peak names de Argentina
Eberhard Jurgalski from Germany, for sharing his own list of anything higher than 5700m, for his altitude corrections and of course, we have to thank him for the Dominance System
John Biggar from the UK, who basically did the same research, but 30 years ago with maps and pencils. Also for his information on peak names.
Guillermo Corona from Mendoza, Argentina, for his massive research on Argentinean peaks
Nomenclatura project run by Ulrich Lorber, from the Club Alemán Andino de Santiago, Chile
Nate Heald from USA/Peru for his research on Peruvian mountains and name corrections
Marcelo Lisnovsky for research on first Ascents of Argentinean and many peaks
Pablo David González for providing hundreds of names to Corona’s project and also for providing us with correct names at the Central Andes
Luis Ignacio Patricio Salazar and Agustín Ferrer for corrections on names of Chilean Peaks
Spanish website and the editor Isaac Fernandez for help spreading information
Miguel Moya from San Juan, Argentina, for correction in some peaks of San Juan
Álvaro Rojas from Copiapo, Chile, for help finding many first ascents information and name corrections at the Chilean Atacama
Chilean website website which has a lot of latest information, specially in Chile
Eduardo Cinicola from Argentina and his maps at, they were very useful
Alberto Hung from Peru for providing first ascent information and name corrections
Guillermo Martin, the editor of Centro Cultural Argentino de Montaña from Argentina, for helping spreading the news and gathering more people to help with more information
Marcelo Scannu for first ascent information at the Dry Andes, specially Argentina
Glauco Muratti for fist ascent info in Argentina
Jose Martinez from Spain for providing information of his first ascents at the Atacama
Javier Sánchez from Spain for providing first ascent info and name corrections
Sebastian Aldana from Jujuy, Argentina, for name corrections
Christian Vitry for name corrections and providing information from his father’s research
Jorge Sirvas from Peru for name corrections on 2 peaks
Camilo Rada, from Chile for DGPS information at Central Andes
Pedro Hauck from Brazil for first ascents information and corrections at Puna de Atacama
Mauricio Bianchi from Argentina for name corrections

This is the list created by Suzie Imber and Maximo Kausch of all prominent Andean elevations above or near 5000 metres. The criteria used to select elevations was the ‘dominance’ system by Eberhard Jurgalski.

andean-mountains--all-above-5000m Download latest KML version

Methods and Research information

Digital Elevation Model used:

Data sorting system:

Data processing:

Initial toponymies:

Data Georeferencing:

Data corrections. Thanks to:

  • Evelio Echevarría from Chile/US for his extensive research and publications at AAJ. Evelio is also responsible for many first ascents in Peru
  • Guillermo Almaraz from Argentina for basically running the whole research on First Ascents and corrections on countless peak names de Argentina
  • Eberhard Jurgalski from Germany, for sharing his own list of anything higher than 5700m, for his altitude corrections and of course, we have to thank him for the Dominance System
  • John Biggar from the UK, who basically did the same research, but 30 years ago with maps and pencils. Also for his information on peak names.
  • Guillermo Corona from Mendoza, Argentina, for his massive research on Argentinean peaks
  • Nomenclatura project run by Ulrich Lorber, from the Club Alemán Andino de Santiago, Chile
  • Nate Heald from USA/Peru for his research on Peruvian mountains and name corrections
  • Marcelo Lisnovsky for research on first Ascents of Argentinean and many peaks
  • Pablo David González for providing hundreds of names to Corona’s project and also for providing us with correct names at the Central Andes
  • Luis Ignacio Patricio Salazar and Agustín Ferrer for corrections on names of Chilean Peaks
  • Spanish website and the editor Isaac Fernandez for help spreading information
  • Miguel Moya from San Juan, Argentina, for correction in some peaks of San Juan
  • Álvaro Rojas from Copiapo, Chile, for help finding many first ascents information and name corrections at the Chilean Atacama
  • Chilean website website which has a lot of latest information, specially in Chile
  • Eduardo Cinicola from Argentina and his maps at, they were very useful
  • Alberto Hung from Peru for providing first ascent information and name corrections
  • Guillermo Martin, the editor of Centro Cultural Argentino de Montaña from Argentina, for helping spreading the news and gathering more people to help with more information
  • Marcelo Scannu for first ascent information at the Dry Andes, specially Argentina
  • Glauco Muratti for fist ascent info in Argentina
  • Jose Martinez from Spain for providing information of his first ascents at the Atacama
  • Javier Sánchez from Spain for providing first ascent info and name corrections
  • Sebastian Aldana from Jujuy, Argentina, for name corrections
  • Christian Vitry for name corrections and providing information from his father’s research
  • Jorge Sirvas from Peru for name corrections on 2 peaks
  • Camilo Rada, from Chile for DGPS information at Central Andes
  • Pedro Hauck from Brazil for first ascents information and corrections at Puna de Atacama
  • Mauricio Bianchi from Argentina for name corrections